Are the ghosts real?

Deformed human souls are called ghosts

Majority of human souls disperses within 6-12 months and its invisible human-shaped energy form is gradually dissipated without food and water in the afterlife. Nature’s external forces like wind and water also forcibly attacks human soul energy continuously. Thus, a human soul takes a deformed human shape and is known as a ghost. Majority of ghosts disperses within 1 year. But certain strong-minded human souls can survive in the afterlife for a long period and those ghosts are called evil souls or Dhusta devatas.

After a person dies, does he turn into a ghost?

After the death, human souls is formed for all humans. Human souls who are vulnerable, frustrated, and do not have a place to reside in any worship place roam around in the graveyards, and their soul energy will be in deformed shapes. Such frustrated and malformed human souls are called ghosts. If the human’s soul energy can sustain itself temporarily for some years due to its individual brain powers and other practices, then such a soul is generally referred to as a ghost/spirit. There are two categories of ghost (soul energy) as follows:

Good souls as ghosts/spirits: If good-natured humans have strong minds, their souls can sustain themselves for some more time. If they have performed divine services to any gods, they can expect that godly souls’ support in the afterlife and obtain godly status. If they do not have any godly soul’s support, they will accept their helpless status and their soul energy will disperse quietly.

Evil souls as ghosts: These souls have strong minds, but they may have done daring wicked deeds and harmed other humans, etc., because of their ingrained habits. Generally, such bad humans’ souls would not have had any divine support.

Can a ghost hurt you?

Sometimes, evil ghosts can also try to enter the wombs of a pregnant woman, but they mostly fail due to lower energy levels. In such an attempt, some evil energy particles from the bad ghosts may enter the womb, disturb the fetus’s proper growth, and hence the pregnant woman may deliver a deformed/disabled child. Thus, pregnant ladies are advised not to visit the graveyards.

Can a ghost kill you?

Human souls can be categorized as newly formed human souls just after the death, weak human souls, deformed human souls (ghosts), strong human souls, eternal human souls, godly souls in worship places, and skilled godly souls. Ghosts are deformed human souls. Their energy level is very weak and hence they cannot harm anybody. Ghosts will always in worry due to their energy loss and damaged shape. They cannot roam around here and there, and they always exist in the graveyard near their burial place.

Do ghosts stay in the same area which they lived?

Most ghosts move around the areas they had previously inhabited and frequently visited many times. Only such places are strongly registered in their memory. Usually, in about 30 to 60 days, the ghost forms of ordinary old humans’ souls will ultimately collapse and disperse. The ghosts (soul energy) will always roam around in their houses during this period. That’s why many feel the presence of dead persons around them because ghosts are walking around here and there in their homes. If the mind power of a ghost is strong, then such ghosts will be able to exist for a longer duration.

How does the ghost look?

Human souls need food and water in the afterlife for its survival. The hungry human souls move continuously to search for food and water energy. Due to such roaming and moving, the cosmic energy particles from their legs get affected and dispersed very soon. Thus, they lose the cosmic energy particles gradually in their leg portion. It makes their soul energy form weak.

The ghosts are deformed human souls. They are represented without legs and with a tail shape. This tail shape represents the energy loss shape of their legs. The ghosts which roam around frequently will exist in such deformed shapes. It is not just the legs alone; other parts of the soul energy become slowly deformed. When a human soul tries to take any food or other object by its hand portion of power, it may lose energy particles in that place, and hence their hands also become deformed shape after some time.

Read more …. The True Divinity Volume III