People generally say that the occult sciences such as tantra, astrology, nameology, Vasthu, etc., are just superstitions. Still, they are all true, and they are the various powers of cosmic energies. The planets’ cosmic energies fall on the earth continuously and invisibly. People absorb such cosmic energies at different intensities depending on their individual brains’ energy-receiving capacity. These energy radiations either highly activate or deactivate certain brain chambers of a human, which may either motivate or confuse him.

The planets’ cosmic energies and their influences on the date of birth of a human child were not adequately explained based on cosmic energy impacts. Hence, it is believed by a particular group of humans to be superstition. The occult sciences are natural, and it is up to the individual’s knowledge to use cosmic energy properly for that purpose. Without understanding the skills and characteristics of cosmic energy, many people do not accept what should be accepted, and they falsely believe what should not be believed.

The planets’ cosmic energies fall on the earth continuously and invisibly. People who live in different parts of the earth absorb such cosmic energies at different intensities depending on their individual brains’ energy receiving capacity. These energy radiations either highly activate or deactivate certain brain chambers of a human, which may either motivate or confuse him. Thus, in specific skills and knowledge aspects, one can be either expert / highly interested / vibrant or less-efficient / less-interested / dull minded.

Confusion causes various obstacles to his decision-making abilities, such as doing specific tasks at appropriate times. Due to confusing decisions, what he would have already gained in his previous life’s effort will be lost to him. It affects both profession and personal life. In profession, some examples are unsuitable investments of hard-earned money, unwanted fears about job and profession, inability to choose a good job or career, misunderstandings with the employers, etc.

In personal life, some examples are quarrel with the life partner and thoughts of divorce, sudden feelings of uncertainty in life, spoiling relationships with business partners, etc. It all leads to further worries, which lead to subsequent life event changes. Motivation makes him react positively with good hopes and make wise decisions at the right time, leading to success. Examples are meeting the right persons at the right time, which facilitates success in life, a hardworking attitude that leads to success, choosing a suitable career or profession, etc. Accordingly, he feels happy and considers himself a successful person. We can often feel such confusions and motivations in our daily life, which are not created only by our thoughts, and the planet’s cosmic energies influenced them. The various planets’ cosmic energies and their energy inducement are different.

Cosmic energies from Sun induce one’s brain to take leadership and dominate others. Cosmic energies from Mars and Rahu planets are vibrant and cause a person to make aggressive decisions. Thus, one might suddenly be aggressive, leading to subsequent problems. Similarly, Moon’s energy induces a calm mind, Saturn’s energies influence a human brain to be lethargic and decisive for an extended period, and Mercury and Jupiter planets’ cosmic energies influence and induce intelligence and knowledge aspects in the human brain. Hence, one may make wise decisions and plan well. Venus’ energies may cause a relaxed mood and luxurious life, and therefore one can prefer entertainment. Kethu’s cosmic energies induce us to think deeply about hidden secrets.

These planets’ cosmic energies and their influences are not instantaneous, and they influence a human brain throughout the human life. Depending on the individual planet’s rotation period around the solar orbit, they can influence a particular human’s thoughts and characters. For example, if a human is under the influence of Venus called Venus Dasha period, his mind will be more activated towards entertainment and luxury life. If a human is under the influence of Kethu Dasha, his mind will be more activated towards worship, learning various occult sciences such as astrology, etc. It all happens without our knowledge, and one does not realize why one reacted / lived in a particular manner for some years. The planets’ cosmic energies exercise significant influence on our brain chambers.

Read more….. The True Divinity Volume IV