Can we get enlightened by meditation?

Simply by just sitting under a tree without any action and annihilating all desires, etc., will not lead us to gain more knowledge about the cosmos and the actions of various forms of cosmic energy. Under a tree, one can absorb pure cosmic energies (pure oxygen) from that tree, and the mind can become calm and learn about the life patterns of the birds and insects living in that tree. Humans who spend their years under the tree can learn about the birds and insects that live in that tree. They cannot know much about the cosmic energy referred to by the terms ‘Brahma Gnana and Brahma Vidya’ or true enlightenment. Cosmic energy released from the trees alone is not sufficient to sustain the eternal life of a soul.

Eternal life seekers must develop alertness as their soul may get disturbed anytime by external cosmic energy’s forces. Closing eyes and seeking peace cannot help a human soul to become an eternal human soul. Compared to human life struggles, a soul’s afterlife struggles are more. Instead of believing the spiritual masters who teach such meditation methods, it is better to worship the gods by Agni puja. That alone can give your soul’s energy requirement in the afterlife.

Meditation under the tree

Due to prolonged meditation under trees, the human brain strongly registers those trees' location and surrounding areas. Their brain cells also develop skills to absorb cosmic energy released from the trees, and it is registered in their memory. After death, such meditating persons’ souls will roam around in the same places due to their strong memory of those places. Due to abundant cosmic energy in such hilly areas with lots of trees, the human souls who practiced meditation under the trees will be able to absorb the cosmic energy released from the trees due to their human life practices. Thus, their souls can sustain themselves for a little longer than ordinary people.

Whatever practices a human does in their life, their brain cells register such actions. Humans may not understand it or forget about their practices. Most human souls select some trees nearby graveyards and stand under the trees to protect themselves from sunlight and heat. Assuming that an ordinary person’s soul energy is dispersed within 3 to 6 months, then the souls of people who meditate or stay for long years under trees may sustain for about six to twelve months in those hilly areas due to the availability of abundant cosmic energy. After that, their soul energy particles slowly fall around the trees, and the trees may absorb those energy particles. Thus, their soul energy particles become part of those trees. The rebirth of a soul’s energy may happen as trees or grass, etc., in that area.

Read more … The True Divinity Volume IV