What is Cosmic energy manipulation?

Clan god means Kula Devata. In Kula Devata worship, we worship one of our ancestors’ souls who exist as an eternal soul on its skill. These ancestors might be sincere devotees and worshipped mainly some of their village gods in their life. Luckily, their family members could have energized their souls through frequent rituals, and these ancestors’ bodies might have been buried properly. Thus, they could withstand a strong human soul. Worldwide, many types of ancestral worship are being followed. Some ancestors’ souls are being elevated to godly status by the blessings of subsidiary level gods in the villages.

An average man cannot obtain direct and immediate help from a minister. Getting salvation from a higher-level god is like expecting some help from a minister. But getting some help from this category of gods is easy. You may be illiterate and may not have practiced any mantra chanting. Even then, you can attain salvation from such a category of gods by constructing a temple for them and performing everyday rituals to energize them. Such temples must have separate Garba-griha and palliyarai for each godly soul.

Kula Devatas include both male and female gods. Such Kula Devatas can develop initially some powers to predict some impending dangers in their descendants’ lives and forewarn them. When the family members receive any instructions through dreams and intuitive thoughts, they start believing in the existence of their ancestors’ souls and begin to perform some energizing rituals for those souls. Hence the cosmic powers of the Kula Devatas increase gradually.

The protective gods who grant such salvation reside in one temple, which may be big. The newly-promoted Kula Devatas will also have another small temple for them constructed by their descendants. In another 100 to 200 years, such an ancestor’s soul would have learned how to survive in the cosmos through its efforts. With time, Kula Devatas will also improve their cosmic energy skills to bless the humans in such small villages ranging between ten to fifty kilometers radius. When you worship your kula devatas with blood sacrifices monthly by cutting hens and goats, their souls will become strong, and their cosmic powers will slowly increase.

Thus, they will protect your family from any evil forces and Dhusta Devatas even though you do not realize and experience any danger from such evil forces in your daily life. Initially, there will be only small temples in villages like Kula Devatas. Such Kula Devatas do not focus only on the welfare of their descendants. They also help others, and it is a divine rule. They need to treat everybody equally and can become a common god gradually when their blessing powers increase in that village.

The human’s life goal is to attain salvation or eternal soul status. This is possible only when you believe that your soul can attain salvation. The divine name for your soul can be anything as per the local language. But the existence of your soul purely depends on the energy offered by the people who worship your soul. Mere decorations, songs, prayers, etc., at the worship places cannot energize any human souls, godly souls, etc. You may forget to worship any higher-level gods. But you should never forget to worship your kula devatas, who are the ones to come first to solve your problems. Their souls will always roam around you and protect you. Many evil souls or ghosts may try to enter your home in daily life and these clan gods can stop such evil souls.

One of their Kula devatas’ portraits should be kept and worshiped in every home puja room. Kula Devatas, who have existed for more than 50 to 500 years, will be slowly promoted to the next level as protective gods or village gods, and hence they will take care of the entire village people. In the villages, we may find many small temples dedicated to Kula Devatas to help that area’s small group of inhabitants. The male clan gods are worshipped with the divine titles of Ayyanar, Madurai Veeran, Pandi, Sudalai Madan, Chandi Karuppar, Sangili Karuppar, Chinna Karuppar, etc. The female Kula Devatas are worshipped with the standard divine titles of Mari Amman, Angala Amman, Pechi Amman, Kali Amman, etc. If any villagers attain salvation through the above village gods, their souls will also be worshipped with these divine titles.

Many villagers obtain salvation through village gods and protective gods. With the help of these gods, our soul can create our own divine retinue. Such a group of human souls will be worshipped by their descendants. This is why many small temples exist and are newly constructed in villages. In such small temples, the human souls are promoted initially as Kula Devatas by the help of eternal godly souls of that village. After 10 to 20 years, small temples are slowly expanded by the devotees who benefitted personally from Kula Devatas and Village gods. Kula Devatas are successful humans who attained their salvation even though they lived in villages compared to the sophisticated humans who live in metropolitan areas. This can establish a great truth that irrespective of man’s worldly knowledge, wealth, living places, sophistication, etc., humans from anywhere with a courageous mind can attain salvation by worshipping even any small village gods and exist as eternal human souls.

Read more ….. THE TRUE DIVINITY Volume II