Eternal laws of cosmic energy

Interlinking of cosmic energy particles in the cosmos

Eternal laws of cosmic energy bind the cosmic energy particles of various forms in the cosmos. As the entire cosmos is one entity (or one field), all cosmic energy particles (atoms) which exist in different forms established links with other cosmic energy particles for millions of years. Atoms collectively exist in visible forms, and individually they are in an invisible state. In both conditions, they are always connected with other particles, known as cosmic energy’s interlinking in the cosmos. In our solar system, the rotation of planets in a specific orbit and the rotation of electrons in a tiny atom are similar due to this interlinking. Due to this interlinking of cosmic energy particles, each cosmic energy particle is bound to repay its action to some other form of cosmic energy, which is also a part of the same cosmos. This energy link among cosmic energy particles of a particular state is governed by the cosmic energy laws of the cosmos.

What is Telepathy?

The cosmic energy link strongly exists between living human beings too. When people live together for a long time, they create a psychological bond among themselves. This is also due to the cosmic energy links between them. When a man thinks about another human, the other human can sense it, and he may suddenly remember another person wherever he is. It happens due to their brain’s cosmic energies, which get connected with the cosmic energies of another person’s brain through the external free-roaming cosmic energy particles in the air. It is also called telepathy. The human brain can send instructions through nerve cells and neurons within the body and is also capable of sending energy waves outside the body. It is similar to electromagnetic waves used to transmit and receive signals from one place to another. In our life, some of us can notice that we may think of somebody suddenly, and we may receive their phone call immediately after a few seconds.

Humans' brains are connected with cosmic energy -Telepathy

Such a cosmic connection between the human brain and related thoughts maybe sometimes strong and sometimes weak due to external energy disturbances like heavy wind, vehicle traffic, etc. Humans cannot sense this cosmic energy connection strongly as they are disturbed by various other celestial energy events and incidents in front of them. But the gods are in invisible soul energy form and can strongly sense devotees’ thoughts. Especially when a devotee tries to connect with the gods through energetic rituals and chanting the god’s name, he gets a quick connection. The cosmic energy dispersed from the food ingredients while doing the Agni puja and chanting cosmic energy vibrations (known as mantras) connect the godly souls with the worshippers’ brain chambers quickly.

10 Eternal laws of cosmic energy

Eternal laws of cosmic energy among the cosmic energy particles work based on give and take policy. For example, suppose a rabbit eats a carrot. In that case, it takes cosmic energies from the vegetable. It is bound to give back whatever energy it consumes for its sustenance to another form of cosmic energy entity, e.g., a wolf, tiger, lion, earth, etc. No entity can escape from this cosmic law as all entities comprise cosmic energy particles.

The ten eternal COSMIC ENERGY LAW or COSMIC DHARMA, react based on the reflection characteristics of cosmic energy:

(1) What you do, that is for you only! (2) What you create, that creation is for you only! (3) What you give, that you get back! (4) In what form you give, that form you get! (5) To whom you give, from them you get! (6) To where you give, you get back from there only! (7) From where you take, you give back there only! (8) The more you take, the more you must return! (9) What you offer to the gods or cosmos that you get back from them! (10) Whom you admire (or worship), you become the same!

Cosmic energy is everywhere. All forms of cosmic energy have memory in them. The intensity of memory power may vary slightly. Thus, cosmic energy is in the air, water, stones, humans, animals, vegetables, etc. Everything has its memory registry. Whatever location and earlier form it inhabited is also registered.

Whatever earlier actions performed by the individual cosmic energies in various forms are recorded in their memory continuously. Nothing is forgotten in the cosmic energy’s (atoms) memory. Humans generally believe that God is watching all their activities every day. The gods weigh the quantum of good deeds and evil deeds done in their lifetime to decide their afterlife placement in the cosmos, like heaven or hell. But the gods are not involved in monitoring the activities of all the humans on earth as is generally believed by humanity. Every individual human is a bundle of cosmic energies which register all their activities in their memory.

The cosmic energy particles in a human body register in their memory about that human’s activities. The gods do not watch it, and it is the action of cosmic energy in every human. Thus, the individual human’s activities are monitored and registered by his own body’s cosmic energies. As the cosmic energy is falsely assumed to be a single great god by some people, the monitoring actions and memory registrations of the cosmic energy by the human body’s cosmic energy itself is falsely understood as if the single great God is watching over us.

Read more ….. The True Divinity Volume I