Is cremation bad for the soul?

• Cosmic energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Though we assume that it is a dead body, the cosmic energy particles in each cell of a dead man are not dead, and it has become suddenly idle when that human is dead.

• When a doctor injects our skin, the cosmic energy links between the cells in that spot are pierced by the needle, and a little pain is created due to such a delinking between the cosmic energies in the skin cells. Delinking of cosmic energy particles creates pain.

• When a human body is cremated, all the cosmic energy particles in the entire body are forced to be delinked abruptly, causing severe pain. Thus, during cremation, the dead body’s cosmic energies will forcibly undergo excessive heat and experience intolerable pain in its soul energy form. Till the body gets fully cremated, which takes about 5 to 7 hours, the pain will continue in its soul energy form.

• During cremation, due to sudden delinking of cosmic energy in the cells of a whole body and excessive heat, the initial level of soul energy already formed within the first 2 to 3 days gets fully damaged. Burial helps a soul develop like nourishing a fetus slowly, and cremation destroys the formation of a human soul like abortion.

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