Occult science -Tantric

Occult science is also known as esoteric. Occult science does not mean black magic or superpower. The powers of cosmic energy in various forms and deep knowledge about them are called Occult science. A human’s characteristics, behaviors, attitudes, and skills are influenced by the cosmic energies in our surrounding environmental cosmic energy as follows:

1. Planets’ cosmic energies: It influences humans’ brains throughout life at different intensities as per the planets’ exaltations, debilitations, and other positions during their birth as identified in their horoscope (referred to as Astrology). The planets’ energies influence a person so that he may misbehave with or react badly to others, or others may respond poorly to him. So, his behavior cannot be predicted at times. The power of the planet’s cosmic energy plays a vital role in deciding a person’s attributes and related successes and failures in life. It has a 50% impact on one’s life events. Thus, a person equally undergoes cosmic energy influences through his intelligence and other persons who participate in his life.

2. Energy’s influences in our living place (Vasthu): The flow of cosmic energies in our residing areas or rooms influences our brain waves. Hence, they may enhance or reduce the brain’s abilities. Thus, a person may lose patience, act restless or make wrong decisions, or he may demonstrate a balanced mind and make wise decisions. Our moods are mostly affected due to these energy flow variations in our living spaces. This is known as cosmic energy’s science in buildings (Vasthu). This energy influence plays about a 10% role in the human brain, disturbing its usual way of functioning. Irrespective of our skills and intelligence, our daily moods fluctuate due to the cosmic energies available in our living places. Thus, we may react adversely or may delay in taking any actions.

3. Cosmic energy of evil forms and its influences by nature: The cosmic energy particles dispersed from the dead life forms, such as dead human bodies, animals and ghost forms of soul energy, etc., are always roaming around in our vicinity and may try to enter our bodies. It happens naturally due to environmental factors like nearby graveyards and other uncleaned places. These evil energy particles will affect the health of our bodies and the efficiency of our brains and may cause various diseases.

4. Cosmic energy’s influences through evil forces, and tantric attacks (Tantric practices): Some trained persons can trigger cosmic energies using specific cosmic energy vibrations (evil force mantras). These people are known as Tantric attackers. These are not natural occurrences and are induced by the Tantric attackers. Due to jealousy and competition between individuals, humans approach these tantric attackers to disturb their enemies. This tantric attack creates illness and many diseases in the body and mind of targeted persons.


Tantric is also known as esoteric science. The mantras are the cosmic energy’s vibrations. Generally, the gods are the experts in handling cosmic energy. But people like tantric attackers have learned specific potent mantras and procedures to trigger evil cosmic energy towards the humans they target. They will energize the ghosts under their control or evil human souls by offering them blood sacrifices. The triggered evil cosmic energies or ghost’s energy travel through the cosmos and attack the targeted people. Such evil attacks are referred to as Tantra. This has also been referred to as tantric practices, and such people are known as tantric attackers.

These bad/evil energy activation practices are also known as black magic. Black magic and tantric attackers are widespread in various countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Bangkok, Singapore, Africa, and certain European countries. These tantric attackers are generally known as “Bomohs” in Southeast Asian countries. In Africa, such tantric practices are known as “voodoo.” In India, it is referred to by the term “Manthrika.” “Manthrika” is also referred to by various other words like “Billy,” “Soonya,” “Eval,” etc. Billy means using the cosmic energies of multiple life forms, such as dead bodies of animals, snakes, etc., for destruction. In the Tamil language, Eval means energizing and triggering the bad-natured human souls or ghosts to destroy or disturb a living human. Soonya means emptiness in the cosmos. Soonya attack means eradicating the existence of a person using any of the above evil forces, evil souls, evil forms, etc.

The tantric attackers chant the evil mantras to create a powerful impact and trigger the cosmic energy to perform a particular task, primarily to harm and torture people. Such activated evil cosmic energies travel through the cosmos and reach the targeted person. The human body is full of cosmic energies. When the triggered negative cosmic energies attack the human body and brain, they merge with the physical cosmic energies of the targeted human body. Hence their health will be affected seriously due to the merger of unwanted evil cosmic energies.

Sometimes the tantric attackers may use the dead humans’ souls to carry out such destructive tasks. Generally, such evil souls are devils, demons, Dhusta devatas, ghosts, etc. Many eternal human souls take energy from the blood spillages available in the butcher shop. Such energized souls are also referred to as Dhur Devatas or Dhusta devatas. The tantric attackers will use these Dhusta devatas and instruct them to attack the targeted individuals. This accumulation of dead men’s soul energy into another human leads the affected person to develop diseases slowly, and his body functions gradually slow down. His body generates a lot of unidentifiable diseases.

The physicians cannot cure effectively save such victims of tantric attacks through their treatment. Modern-day medicines cannot remove evil energies and scanning units cannot identify such an accumulation of bad cosmic energies in one’s body that has merged with the targeted human bodies during the tantric attack.

Read more ….. The True Divinity Volume IV