What does mantra chanting do to the brain?

Brain chambers’ activation by mantras (Energy vibrations)

Generally, people chant OM or Aym, Kleem, Soum, Hreem, and Shreem mantras. The front portion of the skull is a vital part of the human body, which receives cosmic energy from the open environment/air and allows the energy particles to penetrate the body. These mantra vibrations are not Sanskrit words. When a person chants these cosmic vibrations as mantras, the cosmic energy particles of relevant vibrations from our environment enter our body through the head’s frontal lobe, eyes, and nose and activate the various parts of the brain chambers. Thereby one’s interest and ability to enhance a particular skill or character will increase. Such activated brain chambers will find suitable ways and means to improve health, wealth, and other good things required for life. Such mantra chanting practices and memory help a man absorb similar cosmic energy vibrations in his afterlife to strengthen his soul energy.

Mantra meditation on brain

Mantra chanting helps to activate the brain chambers and hence to increase certain skills. The human body’s features are the same for all human beings. But the skill sets, and abilities differ from person to person. The brain is the master and controller for all such skills. The ability factor and interest factor depend mainly on the individual’s brainpower. The human brain is broadly divided into left and right hemispheres, and each hemisphere is subdivided into many chambers. Suppose the human’s brain chambers are activated by thrusting the various categories of external cosmic energy particles/sound vibrations into them. In that case, his skill set, and knowledge will be improved.

The human brain always has a connection with the cosmos. The cosmic energy particles (atoms) corresponding to those vibrations get attracted by the human brain by chanting certain seed syllables as mantras. These energy particles or energy vibrations enter the human brain through the frontal lobe of the head and activate the specific brain chambers. By chanting various mantra vibrations, we can activate relevant brain chambers effectively by ourselves, and hence we can obtain wisdom and necessary skills directly from the cosmic energies. The gods are worshipped and energized with the above vibrations as mantras, which indicate their expertise in handling cosmic energy vibrations and hence, they can use those energy for effective blessings.

Best 5 mantras?

There are many mantra vibrations. For human life and human souls’ afterlife, the chanting practice of the following 5 mantras are most useful.

  • 1. Aym - To increase knowledge, wisdom, and success in any field
  • 2. Kleem - To increase power, victory, fame, and success
  • 3. Soum-To activate the balanced mind and bring prosperity
  • 4. Hreem - To increase leadership qualities, courage, and powers of destruction
  • 5. Shreem - To increase wealth, professional success, and happiness in life

Read more…… The True Divinity Volume I