Who is Lord Shiva?

The lord Rudra Murthy’s original name was Rudra. He was a king who ruled a land area near Mount Kailash when he was a human. After he attained salvation and became a godly soul, he was known as ‘Rudra Dev’ or ‘Rudra Moorthy.’ Murthy or Dev are the words used to represent a god. After attaining salvation, his soul resides at mount Kailash. Lord Siva has an extensive divine retinue under him wherein the eternal souls of many saints and devotees take part. These immortal human souls are referred to as Siva Ganas and Bhuta Ganas.

Lord Rudra Murthy’s soul is a senior most godly soul or superior level godly soul as his soul attained godly status about 25,000 years back roughly. He was initially worshiped by the saints of those regions as Sri Kailash Rudra Dev, and slowly, many worshippers started worshipping him in the entire country by the name of Lord Siva. When many humans worship a human soul, it is respected as a godly soul.

Was Lord Shiva really a human being?

Nowadays, we use calendars to identify a person’s date of birth, which gives details about the day, month, and year. Earlier, a person’s birth date was calculated based on the Moon and Sun positions in the sky. The sky was divided into 12 equal parts, and each part was termed a zodiac sign. Saints divided the sky into 27 equal parts, and each part was named a nakshatra, and there were 27 Nakshatras (Stars). Kailasha Rudra Murthy was born on the day when the moon was at the Ardra (Thiru Aathirai in the Tamil language) nakshatra position. The birth star of Sri Parvathi is Uttara Phalguni (Uthram in the Tamil language). These godly souls lived as humans in the regions near the Himalayan Mountains about 25,000 years ago.

Due to Rudra Murthy’s success in life and the afterlife, the devotees of Lord Rudra Murthy also worship this Ardra Nakshatra (Star) to bless with similar skills, success, and the eternal afterlife to them. Lord Kailash Rudra Moorthy and his consort Sri Parvathi Devi are one of the trinity gods. They have taken a role in blessing the devotees by granting them moksha/salvation and promoting the eligible devotees as their parivar gods in “Shiv Ganas.” Lord Kailash Rudra Moorthy was a great and mighty king during his life period and ruled most of the Himalayan Mountain areas. Ancient records state that their bodies were buried in a mountain named ‘Kailash’ in the Himalayas. Icy weather helped their bodies preserve for long years. Thus, their soul energy is formed powerfully. Purana records state that the five Pandava brothers had chosen a similar method to bury their bodies in the Himalayas mountains naturally. They reached the Himalayan mountains in their last stage of life, and after their death, their dead bodies were covered and preserved by natural ice formation.

It is a natural way of arranging a Jeeva Samadhi (safe burial place) in those ancient days. Many saints followed the same path and spent their final life stage in the icy mountains. Their dead bodies were also covered by ice and preserved. As long as the dead body is preserved in the open area connected with the cosmos, the cosmic energy link between a dead body and soul will exist for a long. Thus, many eternal human souls live in the Himalayan mountain. Due to this reason, a specific part of the Himalayan mountain is considered a sacred place.

Mount Kailash- Divine abode of Lord Rudra Murthy

Why does lord shiva wears snake around his neck?

Lord Siva did not live with the snake in his neck and the bull on his side in his human life. The snake has the skills to raise its head suddenly during any emergency attack. A snake with raised head represents a quick action or sudden rise of energy. The Head and shoulder portion of human souls’ energy form is frequently damaged in the afterlife. Lord Rudra Murthy’s portrait is depicted with raised snake in his head and shoulder which induces the worshipper’s brain and hence his soul to quickly nourish its soul energy form against the energy loss of head and shoulder.

The snake shows the ability to raise its body without any limbs quickly. It indicates a sudden rise in power. It will also induce survival instinct. So, accordingly, one will develop an attitude to fight in critical situations independently and instantly, without expecting any external support. Humans generally need some help to fight or face any problems. Very few humans alone can fight or face critical situations independently. Such courageous character can be improved by viewing the snake symbol. When it is worshipped with Lord Easwar’s portrait/idol, it induces fighting skill for a genuine cause and not for a bad cause. The skills of godly souls and the characteristics of cosmic energy in various life forms are obtained together when we worship the gods depicted with the various life forms. In the temples, many small idols of snakes can be seen here and there, which can induce courage into the viewer’s brain chambers during their temple visits. Earlier, ordinary people were afraid of the sudden attack of enemies and arrogant government soldiers, etc. Thus, to motivate them with courageous minds, the idols of snakes were kept in familiar places like temples.

Worshipping such idols of snakes does not mean that we worship snakes. But we get the energy similar to a sudden rise of a snake’s powers from the snake’s idols through cosmic energy around such idols by its reflection characteristics. Similarly, when we view and worship the idols of the lion and tiger, we get the cosmic skills and attributes of a lion and tiger, such as courage and fighting skills for our survival and safety. Most of the gods are depicted with these animals and birds to induce the weak-minded worshippers to develop courage in their life and afterlife. Eternal human souls as gods and cosmic energy particles in nature together bless us.

Why is Lord Shiva called destroyer?

Many people wrongly think that we will automatically take rebirth as another human once we die. This is a false notion. Once a person dies, his body and soul’s cosmic energies are scattered into millions of individual cosmic energy particles in the cosmos. Those energy particles individually will either take birth as any life form like grass or worm, etc., or may handle idle forms like mud, water, etc., or may not take any other state and simply roam around in the cosmos. This is the cosmic reality for the cosmic energies of a dead human. Humans must aim for salvation which is the status of the intact form of soul energy called a godly soul status.

Lord Siva is also known as God of destruction as he destroys the continuation of the rebirth of a devotee’s energy particles, and he blesses salvation to the devotees’ souls. Thus, the representation of Lord Kailash Rudra Murthy as God of destruction should be correctly understood that he destructs the continuous birth of cosmic energy in the devotee’s soul. And lord Rudra Murthy blesses the final goal of salvation to the cosmic energies in a devotee’s body, and hence a devotee’s soul attains salvation. Lord Kailash Rudra Murthy was famous for his destruction powers, and he is also named God of Destruction. He had destroyed many asuras (bad humans) in his life as a king. As an eternal godly soul, he had killed many asuras’ souls in his afterlife. The saints and rishis worshipped Lord Kailash Rudra Murthy through Agni Puja. During their puja, sometimes the energy dispersed from Agni Homa Kund might be absorbed by Dhusta devatas / Asuras’ evil souls, etc. Hence, their aim to energize Lord Rudra Murthy’s soul was disturbed. Earlier, when the saints and rishis were disturbed by the asuras’ evil souls, ghosts, Dhusta devatas, etc., they prayed to Lord Kailash Rudra Murthy and used to chant Si and Va cosmic mantra vibrations to energize Lord Rudra Murthy’s soul energy.

Hence, Lord Rudra Murthy’s destruction powers increased by accumulating Si and Va cosmic energy (i.e., fire and air) through Si and Va mantras’ chanting of saints. Thus, Lord Rudra Murthy’s soul energy developed skills in destruction powers, and hence he is capable of destroying the bad souls (evil forces). The worship of Lord Rudra Murthy using Si and Va vibrations continues for thousands of years. When time passed, Lord Kailash Rudra Murthy was identified simply as Lord Si Va based on the dominant cosmic energy vibrations of Si and Va in his soul energy. Thus, his original name Rudra Murthy was forgotten slowly.

Who is the most powerful Hindu god?

King Rudra destroyed many Asura-natured bad humans in his human life and achieved many victories. Such incidents were recorded in stories by many saints. In his human life, King Rudra Murthy killed many bad-natured humans. Similar skills and actions continued in his afterlife in his soul energy form.

Earlier, the saints and rishis performed lots of Agni pujas to strengthen the godly souls, and hence they obtained great boons from them. The evil souls and Dhusta devatas are always the disturbing forces wherever the Agni pujas are performed. When such evil souls disturbed the rishis, they prayed to Lord Rudra Murthy, and hence such evil souls were destroyed by Lord Rudra Murthy’s cosmic powers. Thus, Lord Rudra Murthy is depicted as a God of destruction. With time, his human life victories as a king and his soul’s victories against the evil souls were collectively recorded in his Purana stories by saints. Such Purana stories are called Shiv Purana.

What he was doing in his life continues in his afterlife due to his courageous mind and related memories to save innocents. It applies to all human souls. Humans with a helping tendency will help in their afterlife also. Humans who were cowards will be afraid to face struggles in their afterlife also. After King Rudra’s death and salvation as godly soul, he was worshipped Lord Kailash Rudra Moorthy. Whoever worships Lord Rudra Murthy can develop courageous characters. Earlier many warriors worshipped Lord Rudra Murthy. Among the trinity gods, Lord Rudra Murthy has thousands of parivar gods, and his divine retinue is filled with thousands of Easwar gods, Shiv Ganas, lots of eternal souls of warriors, marshals, saints, Maharishis and kings, etc., who reside in various temples all over India. Hence, this Rudra Murthy’s godly soul is respected as the chief among the trinity gods.

Read more …. The True Divinity Volume II