Worship of god and cosmic energy

Cosmic energy worship - Sun energy (Surya Namaskar)

Idols represent the worship of eternal human souls who reside in temples. The immortal human souls or godly souls can bless the worshippers who visit their temples. Various skilled divine souls are categorized as higher-level gods, protective gods, Parivar gods, village gods, clan gods (kula devatas), etc. The cosmic energy can be worshipped in temples with idols known as Navagraha (nine planets). Cosmic energy can also be worshipped anywhere without any idols. Such cosmic energy worship can be referred to as cosmos worship or nature worship.

The godly souls depend on cosmic energy for their eternal survival. It does not mean that cosmic energy is more powerful than godly souls. It can be understood by a simple comparison between you and your food. Both are accumulations of cosmic energy particles. Food is essential for your survival, but the food is not greater than you. You can ask yourself which is more significant. Various food categories are available, and there are different skilled human souls. Here cosmic energy is food, and godly souls are skilled human souls. The worship of eternal human or godly souls can give us personal guidance, and a place in the afterlife in their temples called a heavenly life for a devotee’s soul. The worship of cosmic energy helps us to withstand our soul as an intact soul to some extent, but it cannot provide an afterlife place to reside for our souls.

Cosmic energy particles are common to everyone, and they reflect the characters based on the objects in front of them. If there is no object, they energize the worshippers’ personalities and skills. If your soul needs any energy support in your afterlife, it is better to worship the godly souls. If your soul can survive without any such support in the afterlife, and if you are skilled in handling the cosmic energy to strengthen your soul, you can worship the cosmic energy alone. Worshipping both the godly souls and the cosmic energy will give a great afterlife, and your soul can reside in a temple along with the godly souls and your soul will also be powerful.

Blessing is nothing but energy-boosting. How are you going to get such an energy-boosting is the question here? You may get such an energy boost from godly souls or directly from the cosmos through cosmic energy particles. There are various skilled divine souls. Here the skills of a godly soul can be understood on two levels. As the gods were once humans, they had their human life characters, various crafts, and knowledge. After death, their souls learned and developed lots of cosmic energy handling skills for their eternal survival called their blessing skills. When you worship a godly soul in a temple, the cosmic energy in the temple can reflect both the human life skills and afterlife skills of a godly soul to a worshipper as blessings.

When you worship any spiritual leader’s soul as your god, the cosmic energy can reflect only that spiritual leader's human life characteristics and skills. Such a person’s soul had not developed any cosmic skills in the afterlife. We may not know if that spiritual leader’s soul still exists as an eternal soul and has learned any cosmic energy handling skills. The existence of any human souls depends on the daily food energy available to them through rituals, and their cosmic skills can be verifiable by the divine title and the mantras used to worship them. Most saintly souls do not get the rituals’ energy, mantra chanting vibrations to energize their souls, etc. When you worship mere energy particles in any worshipping environment, then the reflection powers of cosmic energy can boost your bioenergy. Different energy works in different ways.

The people do not have knowledge about the powers of cosmic energies and the needs of the godly souls distinctively and lack rational thinking about the difference between ‘worshipping the godly souls’ and ‘worshipping the cosmic energy.’ Generally, people have no clear understanding of salvation (i.e., an eternal life). Salvation is a not a posting to live with the gods in a heaven. It is a long life and has many struggles. It is to learn to sustain in the cosmos as immortals with the support of different gods and cosmic energy. Hence, worshipping cosmic energy alone as a great god and believing that single great god can promote all the worshippers to salvation and can stay together in heaven is practically not possible.

Read more ….. The True Divinity Volume I