Yantra (A sign board to guide the cosmic energy):

The Sanskrit word yantra is derived from the root yam, which means to sustain or hold and streamline or centralize the energy inherent in a specific element or object. Yantra is a metallic plate made up of metals like copper, brass, silver, etc. In every yantra, there are mantras to instruct the cosmic energy to vibrate, an energy flow diagram to direct the cosmic energy to flow specifically, divine symbols (Trishul, Vel) to create divine weapons by the gods, Moon, Sun, etc. to receive energy from them. The energy flow diagrams are in the pattern of a triangle, a square, and circles. These patterns guide the cosmic energies in the direction they should rotate/flow over the idol. The yantras instruct the cosmic energy to flow upward or downward (by drawing triangular designs) or around the idol (circular designs).

Mostly, the cosmic energy vibrations (mantras) Om, Aym, Shreem, Kleem, Hreem, and Soum are engraved. The gods’ blessing skills are identified depending on their expertise in handling these energy vibrations. Each mantra represents a certain specific cosmic energy vibration. The godly souls can use these energy vibrations and activate the devotees’ brain chambers. This energy inducement or activation process is referred to as god’s blessings.

The godly souls induce energy in the brain chambers of the worshippers for blessing with knowledge, health, wealth, courage, etc., which are mainly required for human life. The cosmic energies inside the moolasthanam, inside the temple campus, and the temple zone’s surroundings are mutually connected and form an energy flow circuit in a temple with the cosmos. The cosmic energy particles of mantras chanted in that temple and engraved in the yantras will be more in that energy circuit. Depending upon the number of natural stones, gold, etc., under the yantra, the creation of earth energy will be more in that Garba-griha. A more quantum of earth element’s energy makes the gods more powerful in that moolasthanam of a temple.

Every yantra is specifically designed for specific gods with specific mantras. As each god has different expertise, the most desired blessings are requested from the specific gods by the devotees. Kali Devi’s yantra blesses courage, Lord Ganapathy’s yantra blesses stability, and family attachment and Sri Saraswathi Devi’s yantra blesses knowledge, Lakshmi Devi’s yantra blesses wealth, etc. The yantras guide the cosmic energies and instruct the flow of direction. Apart from Yantra’s specific mantra instructions, the gods are capable of blessing humans with more energy vibrations, and it depends on their skills. Yantras reduce a slight burden of god’s work in gathering specific cosmic energy vibrations in the moolasthanam.

An Yantra is placed above the natural stones

A Yantra acts like a company’s human resource manager who selects a trained workforce to work under the boss. The cosmic skilled higher-level gods have their skills to bless the devotees even without any of Yantra’s help. The Yantra attracts the cosmic energies of a specific vibration engraved by various mantras. If a Yantra contains the Kleem mantra, it can induce courageous characters in the human brain. If it has the Aym mantra, it can induce knowledge. If it has the Shreem mantra, cosmic energies around it can motivate and show the ways and means to earn more wealth. Thus, when the gods come to the moolasthanam place to bless the devotees, instead of using plain cosmic energies to activate the devotee’s brain chambers, the gods can use these already triggered cosmic energies of specific vibrations which are contained in the moolasthanam. The yantras continuously attract cosmic energies when it is energized by lighting an oil lamp in front of it. Thus, humans can obtain specific cosmic energies as engraved in the yantra in their puja room.

Read more …. The True Divinity Volume II